We are a small unique organically grown family run business. We Custom build and fabricate Dog Kennels, Dog Runs and pet enclosures. We are welders by trait. We started over 15 years ago as OK-Corrals building livestock shade and barns. We received a request to build a Dog Run. The business took off in a different direction and we started focusing on Animal Enclosures.
Sunday, December 27, 2015
Saturday, December 19, 2015
Rattle Snake Awareness... Who to keep your Family and Pets Safe. - 602-842-706
Click Here For More Information
Rattle Snake Information and Education
Hi there again folks...
I have a passion about what we do here at
I always have a round about way of saying things and sometime the information is backwards...
Let me start the blog by saying... That the smartest person I have ever had the privilege of knowing is my Father... He towed a tough road growing up. He was raised dirt country poor. Quit school in the 8th grade and joined the army as soon as they would let him in. He is a self taught man. But his God Given intelligence has lead him down a brilliant path. He has taught me many valuable things in life.
He has been to Arizona many times in his youth from his native state of Texas. In his Mid-Twenties he made the commitment to move to Arizona. He taught himself not only about the indigenous wildlife... But the plant life, history and the Native Americans who first settled this area.
I moved here in 2012 to help take care of him as an only child when he was diagnosed with cancer.
My first spring here in Arizona he was getting on to me about being careful because of the Rattle Snakes. What he taught me was very valuable lessons out here in the rural areas.
Rattle Snakes Indigenous to Arizona:
There are two dangerous seasons for humans encountering Rattle Snakes. Spring and Summer.
During the colder months... The Rattler sleeps like a bear... Hibernates.
When the months start to warm up during early spring... This dangerous but yet beautiful creature wakes up from it's long sleep.
There are several reasons why the Rattler is very dangerous in the Spring.
The first is that it is the females mating season.
During this mating season the rattler is very aggressive due to the protection of the species during pregnancy.
During this period the rattle does not use is famous "Rattlers" to warn off threats. And it is aggressive because it is very hungry after the hibernation period and protecting any potential embryos they might be carrying.
My Father always goes out and cuts down any weeds or over grown grass to ensure that the walking surface is visible to spot any sunbathing Rattlers.
When he does catch one on the Ranch... He does not kill it. He built a homemade snake catcher out of PVC plastic pipe and a piece of rope...
He cut a piece of 1/2" or so PVC pipe about 3 foot or so and run a stiff piece of rope or old telephone wire or something through it and made a slip knot.
He would then catch the snake with the slip knot end and put it in a 5 gallon bucket or big sake... Like the old days "Gunny Sacks".
My Father has a odd but wonderful sense of humor...
I would ask my Father...
"Dad.. What do you do with the Rattler if you do not kill it"???
Hey told me... Baby Girl, I just take it down to those neighbors I don't like and drop him off!!! LOL (Of course this is a joke - But damn funny).
He actually would drive the poor Rattler out into the desert far away from the public and set him free to live another day.
The next season to watch out for Rattlers is in late summer...
This is when food and water become more scarce. The rattler becomes aggressive once more and is actively on the move. It needs the nutrients to hibernate through the colder months.
A good example of this is this video below. We built this Custom Kennel just weeks before this incident happened. The client heard her two small dogs barking. She said it startled her because she had never heard them bark like that. When she walked outside to investigate... She saw this huge rattler going right for her dogs inside the kennel. The Rattle Snake was not afraid of the barking or of the house. This is a prime example of how in late summer Rattle Snakes will take risks.
When we build our Custom Kennels for clients we offer to snake proof their kennel. I will tell you that 90% choose this option.
Once the Kennel is fabricated we go back and line the enclosure with a very fine metal screen. We normally run the "Snake Wire" up 24 inches around the base of the Kennel.
I have had many clients concerned that the snake will climb over the extra mesh protection. I have researched this in-depth... Rattlers are capable of climbing... But VERY rarely do so. We have been doing this for over 15 years and have NEVER had an enclosure breached by a Rattler climbing up and over the 24" snake proof mesh.
If you decide to make an attempt to build your own kennel or dog run see our blog on DIY Kennels. I would highly advise that you Snake Proof your enclosure. Especially if you have a Pet Door leading from the inside to the outside of your house. The last thing you want to wake up to is a big fat Rattler in your kitchen.
Here are a few good links I have found on Rattle Snake Education...
"What is important is keeping your"
"That Be Jack"
Click Here For More Information
How To Build Your Own Dog Kennel or Dog Run
How To Build An Arizona Dog Kennel
Pictures And Step By Step Instructions On Quality Pet Enclosures...
When your'e building kennels for dogs there are things to consider.
Let us help you with tips and illustrations on making the perfect canine containment systems for your furry family members.
5 Foot X 5 Foot Interior Dog Kennel Installation
Step by Step Instructions on How To Build A Dog Kennel.
First you need to draw plans and decide where is the best place to house your furry member of the family. One popular area for an interior area for a puppy pen is in your garage. In this tutorial we will build a kennel for 3 hunting dogs on the South end of the garage.
This is very convenient for feeding, watering, and tending to to your pets without going outside into the snow, rain, and other extreme elements.
Below is a picture of a dog enclosure located in the interior of the garage with ample space.
The best size for an interior dog enclosures is 5 feet by 5 feet which gives plenty of room for food, water, and a bed.
The interior should also have a kennel gate for easy access.
5 Foot X 10 Foot Exterior Dog Run Installed
An outdoor kennel is a great way to give your dog lots of room to run and a space that is all theirs while keeping them happy and healthy.
Mark an area and dig out an area in the ground approximately 8 inches deep by 5 feet wide and 10 feet long. The above pictures and diagram of how to build a dog kennel can made from welded wire or chain link.
Check with your city planner or HOA to make sure you do not need a building permit for this.
If you live in a suburban area, there might be zoning and building codes that limit the type and size that you can build on your property.
Around the outside perimeter of dog run use steel stakes to set forms for a concrete footing with 2 inch by 8 inch lumber. Set the forms to allow the cement footing to be approximately 8 inches deep by 8 inches wide. Place a strong wire for the best floor for dog kennels extending under your concrete forms to prevent your pets from digging out.
If you are digging over electrical, water, or gas lines use a sheet of 1 MM metal to cover utility lines to prevent animals from hurting themselves. It is preferable to build the exterior of dog enclosures facing the South so that your dogs will get sunlight and stay warm. The dog run image shows illustrations on building an exterior kennel for 3 pets on the South end of the garage.
This allows easy access from your garage with less work to feed, water, and take care of your pets without leaving the house. Above is a picture of the Southern exterior of the garage with ample space for each dog. The ideal space for an outside kennel is 5 feet wide by 10 feet long.
This measurement matches the width of the interior pet enclosure with plenty of room to stretch outside.

An outdoor dog kennel is a great way to give your dog lots of room to run and a space that is all theirs while keeping them happy.
STEP 2. Kennel Flooring For Dog Safety.
After pouring cement in hunting dog kennel forms.
Remove 2 by 8 lumber forms and finish concrete with a swimming pool finish so that there are no rough edges that might harm your pets.
A little planning and work will go a long way to make your dog enclosure the envy of the neighborhood.
Make sure that the flooring does not have any sharp edges. Cut or bend ends of wire in bottom of dog kennel flooring to insure that your pets will not puncture or cut their paws when digging.
STEP 3. How To Rattle Snake Proof A Dog Kennel.
Building your own kennel is probably better than buying a ready-built one.
By constructing one on your own, you can easily incorporate things like rattlesnake proof wire along the dog fencing.
The best way to prevent your dogs from snake bite is to install 1/4 inch rabbit wire around perimeter of kennel. This will also keep rodents out of the kennel that are attracted by the dog's food and water.
The wire should be anchored in concrete and approximately 24 inches high. The wire can be secured by using plastic lock-ties. Small snakes can slip through chicken wire rendering it unacceptable.
An actual client sent this into us... We built this custom kennel for her. This is why your would want to snake proof your kennel or dog run...
STEP 3-B. How To Prevent Rattlesnake Bites For Dogs
After installing your dog boarding facilities with rattle snake proof wire you will still have openings at the exterior gates where reptiles and rodents can slip through. A secure entry can be achieved by adding a solid door that can be dropped into slots on each side of gate. Application of the wire and solid door is the best way to keep snakes out of a dog kennels and runs.
STEP 9. How To Shade Your Kennel
It is important to make sure that your dog gets plenty of water and shade on hot days. You should have shade for the dog kennel so that your pets do not get overheated. The summer heat in Arizona can be especially dangerous to dogs. The best way to shade for dog kennels is to build it under a large tree or on the North side of a house or garage. This method is the least expensive and will provide the shade naturally. If this is not an option you can install a kennel roof by building a frame with 2 Inch X 6 Inch Lumber. Anchor the kennel roof to the wall of existing structure with lags. Galvanized steel roofing is then attached to the wood frame with screws. The roof can be powder coated in the color or your choice or galvanized steel.
STEP 10. How To Install Kennel Lighting
Sensor lights are a preferred method of lighting for dog kennels. This allows the owner and pets the ability to see when there is activity and will automatically turn off so that the dogs can sleep without being disturbed by the bright light. This method will is also energy efficient and will save on your electricity bill.
STEP 11. The Best Flooring For Dog Kennels
One preferred method of flooring for an exterior dog kennel is laying down about 6 to 8 inches of 1/2 inch round river rock. This is more comfortable than cracked gravel for the dog's paws. This also is the most sanitary exterior flooring because the dog poop can be easily raked and scooped up. The rocks can be sprayed with a hose to wash away urine that will be absorbed in the ground which is 6 to 8 inches below the kennel flooring.
Well Folks... That's it.
I hoped this Blog might help a novice kennel - dog run builder. I have plans to come back and add more details to this blog. However... Someone ask me to put something up... So I wanted to get it up quickly for them.
You might be asking yourself??? Why are these people giving advise on how to build a dog kennel or dog run??? When they might lose business in doing so??
Good question... Jack and I decided a long time ago... That we want to keep true to our beliefs that helping our community out and being a good neighbor pays off much more in the long run... Than running a cutthroat business. We have had several potential clients contact us that could not afford a Custom Kennel. We still walk them through alternative choices... We even point them to other like businesses that are more affordable.
The point Blogger Family... Is to help your neighbor... The primary goal of the company is all in the name!!!
PetSafe... Let's not ever lose site of that!!!
Please feel free to contact me with any questions or comments. I am here to help!
Coyote's and Pet Safety
PetSafe Kennels Presents Information on Coyote-Pet Safety...
Information Provided by Arizona Game and Fish Department
Canis latrans
Coyotes are common in rural and urban areas throughout
Arizona. Coyotes tend to travel and hunt alone or in pairs,
but they can form groups where food is abundant.
They are closer than you think...
- We have several calls a month in regards to coyote attacks on household pets... It breaks my heart when a person calls me crying in regards to a furry family member being attacked. A lot of these people live in very populated residential areas and had no thought that they would have to deal with a coyote attack. NOT TRUE Folks. We have been dealing with this for over 15 years in our business and every year we see more and more attacks in the city as well as in outskirts of town.
- As the public move more and more out into the undeveloped areas... We are in-crouching on the wildlife natural territory that they have had for centuries. This does several things... One is that these animals are territorial and will continue to hunt in their area of domain no matter how many houses go up or roads are put in. Two... We have now given the native coyote an easy food source... With not only our pets but with our trash, pet food left out and the delicious smells of the food coming out of our kitchens and BBQ's.
- The Coyote is instinctively afraid and leery of humans... However there are several factors that change their skittish behavior towards humans. The first is when they are coming in constant contact with society... They start to become used to seeing and being around humans, cars and noises that they are not accustom to. Second... During the times of scares water or food supplies they tend to get bold with their behavior an may become aggressive and even travel into the inner suburbs to find a food source. Also a female with pups may also become more aggressive.
- In my studies... I have found that Coyotes are not necessarily pack animals like domestic dogs or wolves. If you see more than one... It may mean that they are traveling as mates (Male/Female) or that the female is hunting with her cubs.
- Also... A Coyote normally will not kill for sport.. It has been well documented that domestic and packs of wild domestic dogs will kill for sport. They will attack an animal in packs and leave the carcass behind also causing a real threat to domesticated animals, especially when you live in a rural area. My Father lives in the middle of NO Where Stanfield AZ and one night I heard a pack of wild domestic dogs running through the wash behind his house... It scared the heck out of me. I went the next day and examined the wash for paw prints... There had to be over 6 traveling together.
- A Coyote will hunt, stalk and attack anywhere in it's territory... If you notice with all the eye witness accounts... The Coyotes main objective with it's initial attack - take down of it's prey... Is to disable the prey. The Coyote has no intentions of feeding on the prey at the point of attack. It is well documented the the Coyote can and has carried it's prey almost a mile before it will rest and finish ingesting it's meal.
- There have also been claims that the Coyote will not attack your pet if you have them leashed will walking them... NOT TRUE... I have had several clients tell me that the Coyote ran out from the walking trail and attacked the pet while on the leash.
- I have read experts advise to carry an air horn or to make loud noises... to scare the coyote off. My advise is to keep a bottle of household ammonia near or perhaps carry pepper spray that is compact when you are walking your pet. This is human but very effective because of the Coyotes elevated smell abilities. Yes this will also offend your furry family member... But if your pet is being attacked and you fear for his/her life... A little nasty smell in their nose is much better than the alternative.
Check out a few frighting video clips:
This is very scary... A family watches will a Coyote attacks their small dog... However the family Rottweiler comes to the rescue. I was cheering the Rottweiler on before the end of the video. Also "Note" the small dog did survive the attack.
WOW!!! Watch this large Coyote jump this 6 foot wall effortlessly in broad daylight and a heavily populated residential area in Phoenix Arizona.
Amazing Footage... I have seen dogs and cats try this... They have to survey the jump and then go for it... This Coyote does not even think about it. If your having this problem... Contact us. We install "Coyote Rollers". Prevents jumping in or out.
I've rambled long enough.. Please feel free to add advise, comments or questions. My next blog will address how to keep your pet safe by adding a outside dog kennel or dog run and also the use of Coyote Rollers - Jump Proof Fencing to your property. I will give you advise on how to do this yourself or hire a company such as mine to custom install.
The most important issue here is to keep your PetSafe;)
Elizabeth - PetSafe Kennels Click Here to Contact Me Directly
Description and Habits
- Usually gray with a rusty color on neck and flanks
- Black patches on base and tip of tail help distinguish from dogs
- 20-30 pounds
- 18-21 inches tall
- 42-50 inches long
- Average litter of 4 to 5 pups
- Run as fast as 40 miles per hour
- Diet includes fruits and vegetables, pet food, small wild and domestic animals, snakes and lizards, and garbage
Possible Conflicts with Humans and Pets
Coyotes are curious, clever, and adaptable. They quickly learn to take advantage of any newly discovered food source, and are often attracted to yards with abundant fruit and wildlife to eat. Coyotes will eat pet food and knock over unsecured garbage cans, or may walk along the tops of walls around homes in search of unattended dogs and cats to eat. Coyotes may consider large or loud dogs to be a threat to their territory and become aggressive toward those dogs. Coyotes have lured free-roaming dogs away from their owners to attack, and bold coyotes may attack small dogs on retractable leashes.
What Attracts Them?
Coyotes may visit a home if they find food, water, or shelter there.
- Food can include unattended pets, birds or rodents attracted to bird feeders, pet food, garbage, or fallen fruit.
- Water sources can include a pet’s water bowl or a swimming pool.
- Shelter can include a storm drain or any cave-like area beneath a shed or unused building.
What Should I Do?
If you see a coyote near your home, don’t ignore it. This may cause it to lose its natural fear of people, which can eventually lead to aggressive behavior.
To discourage a coyote, immediately
- Make loud noises.
- Shout and bang pots and pans or rattle empty soda cans with pebbles in it (coyote shaker).
- Wave your hands or objects like sticks and brooms.
- Throw small stones or cans.
- Spray the coyote with a hose.
- Use a commercial repellent like Mace, if necessary, on bold animals that refuse to leave.
In an emergency
If a coyote is aggressive, approaching a person, biting, or growling and snarling unprovoked, then:
- Continue and exaggerate the above actions.
- Don’t turn away or run because the animal may view it as an opportunity to chase.
- Keep eye contact.
- Move toward other people, a building, or an area of activity.
- Call your local Arizona Game and Fish Department office (8 a.m.-5 p.m., Mon. -Fri. excluding holidays). Also, call Game and Fish if severe property damage has occurred or if there is possession of a live coyote. After hours and weekends, a radio dispatcher is available at (623) 236-7201.
Remember, removal is usually a last resort
Coyotes will keep coming back to the same area if attractants are not removed. Coyotes do not usually become a problem where the guidelines listed below are followed. Homeowners may trap and relocate coyotes, but must contact the Arizona Game and Fish Department for an appropriate release location before transporting the animal. Homeowners can also hire a wildlife control business to capture and remove coyotes for a fee.
To prevent further problems
- Remove anything outside your home that may be attracting coyotes. This includes garbage, pet food, water sources, and bird feeders that can attract rodents and birds for coyotes to eat.
- Never feed coyotes.
- Encourage your neighbors not to feed coyotes or leave anything out that might attract the animals.
- Feed your pets inside, and never leave them unattended, especially at dusk and dawn when coyotes are most active. If it's necessary to leave a small pet outside unattended, keep it in a sturdy enclosure with a roof.
- Keep poultry, rabbits, and rodents in secure enclosures.
- Trim and remove any ground-level shrubs and branches that provide hiding places or den sites for coyotes or their prey.
- Secure garbage containers and eliminate odors by cleaning trashcans with a 10 percent chlorine bleach solution. Put out trash containers on the morning of pickup, not the night before.
Possible Health Concerns
Rabies – Symptoms of this disease include foaming at the mouth, erratic or hyperactive behavior, and/or fearful, paralyzed, or lethargic behavior. Call 911 or your closest Arizona Game and Fish Department office immediately if you see any animal with rabies symptoms.
Anyone bitten by a coyote must immediately seek medical attention from a qualified health care provider. Whenever possible, the animal should be captured or killed and sent to a laboratory for rabies testing.
Canine distemper – This viral disease consists of fever, eye and nose discharge, loss of appetite, and coughing. It can be transmitted to and from dogs through bodily fluids. Symptoms can appear similar to those of rabies.
Canine heartworm – Coyotes can serve as carriers of this type of heartworm, which is spread among dogs by mosquitoes.
Mange mite – Coyotes may be a host for the itch or mange mite. Female mites can burrow into the skin. Coyotes with mange can lose their hair, which can make it difficult for them to control their body temperatures. Mange must be extremely severe before it disables a coyote. Most coyotes can survive with the disease for a long time.
Tapeworm – Coyotes can carry dog tapeworm, which can cause hydatid cyst disease in humans.
Canine distemper – This viral disease consists of fever, eye and nose discharge, loss of appetite, and coughing. It can be transmitted to and from dogs through bodily fluids. Symptoms can appear similar to those of rabies.
Canine heartworm – Coyotes can serve as carriers of this type of heartworm, which is spread among dogs by mosquitoes.
Mange mite – Coyotes may be a host for the itch or mange mite. Female mites can burrow into the skin. Coyotes with mange can lose their hair, which can make it difficult for them to control their body temperatures. Mange must be extremely severe before it disables a coyote. Most coyotes can survive with the disease for a long time.
Tapeworm – Coyotes can carry dog tapeworm, which can cause hydatid cyst disease in humans.
Laws and Policies
- Coyotes are classified as predators and have an open, year-round hunting season. A valid license is required, except in a case where livestock has been killed. See Arizona Game and Fish Department Hunting Regulations.
- State law bans firing a gun within a quarter-mile of an occupied residence or building while taking wildlife, unless you have the owner's permission.
- Check your local city ordinances, but most ban shooting firearms within city limits. Some cities ban using slingshots, BB guns, air guns or bows.
- Refer to ARS-17-239 on wildlife depredation and Arizona Game and Fish Department Hunting Regulationsfor more information.
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